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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Yungkuktoi Fetish panoramic fashion shoot - quicktime vr -

Und Eders trætte hjerter og evt.laveresiddende anatomi en quicktime af en svingtur i dette dekadente, i betydning overforfinede, fotografiske snurrende univers, hvor alt lukker sig om een, kun det, at man kan se loftet i billederne, som en farve, der fylder hele skærmen, indikerer, at der findes en sært knirkende uendelighed derude, bagved, noget mørkt, eller skulle man måske sige, noget endnu mørkere.

GOTH FETISH FASHION - YUNGFUKTOI. Photographer: Will Pearson, of EyeRevolution. Where: London, England
Fashion Shoot for cutting-edge goth and fetish fashion label Yungfuktoi. It really exploits the format to show the clothes off in an atmosphere of edgy debauchery. Often appearing in separate places within the same shot, the models are able to interact with each other in wholly unexpected and exciting ways.
Using the panorama format offers some distinct advantages: This way of shooting also allows us to showcase outfits from the collection in different poses and from different angles within the same shot Ð a new and exciting idea for a fashion label.

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